
Hello World

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Hello World

This is a very special day for me. I'm so glad that I finally managed to launch my blog. I've been thinking about doing it for about 3 months, and it's finally here! 😊.

l will talk more in depth about how I created the whole website, what I used for my database and how I manage authentication in a future post. Stay tuned!

My History

I started mostly as a front-end developer back in 2017 (HTML/CSS), when we were  introduced to the world of web development in grade 8th. I still can remember the day I added CSS on top of a simple HTML website, it was just wonderful! CSS seemed to give my website superpowers!

Back in 2019, at the age of 16,I learnt full stack web developement with django. At that time I was amazed by Django's reliability to develop complex projects. Then I developed a micro-blogging platform like Twitter, A blog project made over top of Django. I also helped one of my friend to develop a web app that integrated with his accounting software(which helped us win our college's project expo 😊😊). This helped me developing confidence that I could develop any application with Django. Soon I created my own Cryptocurrency just like BitCoin; as a part of another project expo organized at our school.

The blog's purpose

As I said above, I've been thinking about becoming a blogger for some time now, and the biggest reason I want to do it is because I love creating, and this is the good way of sharing this passion with other fellow web programmers. I'd hope that I could give back to the community something, as I learned a lot from others.

To be honest, I was always passionate about how things were created and on my spare time, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how they did it, and pushed myself to the limit to build that app from scratch. This is what I'll be doing mostly on this blog.

Together we are going to learn a lot from this blog.
